

To See Change in this World, Be the Change

Written by
Blaine Taylor
Blaine Taylor & Connor Monis
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."
- Epictetus

It’s our job to live our life and become who we are meant to be. And that’s why we stay fit. It’s not about the 6 pack or showing off in a superficial way, it’s about becoming the type of person that is more resilient, persistent, adaptable; someone who can overcome any hardship, consistently show up, and provide for their family.

We are often reminded that we are the product of our environment. We are the summation of the people around us. That the makings of one’s community is so powerful, it’s influence in our lives directly affects almost every thought, decision, and action. We should all possess a fair amount of discipline to stay the course, but when you find the right crew, you push each other, encourage one another, hold each other accountable, you protect a higher standard. Community is key.

“If you’re the smartest person in the room it’s time to change rooms.” Maybe, but it might also be good to stay in that room for a little while. Allow others to learn from you; share your knowledge, lift someone up, be the leader that encourages growth of everyone around you. It’s not an ego driven quality to see yourself in that position. Be that person. The hard work, the discipline, the repetitions; these things add up. They are the ingredients to confidence, skill, fitness, RESPECT. All the makings of a great leader. These are the cornerstones of a life worth living, and there will come a time when others will look towards you for inspiration and direction. It doesn’t always have to be someone else, it can be you. Don’t miss your moment.

We aren’t all just born as gifted leaders who have it all figured out. We grow into these roles through our experiences. The obstacles, the successes, the hardships, the hard workouts, the relationships, the community we immerse ourselves in; they shape us into our present selves. Sacrificing to take care of your body, being intentional, setting time aside to do the hard work, these things set you up everywhere else in your life. If you can wake up and get that workout in, you WILL show up to work on time, you Will choose the healthier food option, you WILL be a more productive person. Like I said, it’s not simply about having the 6 pack abs, it’s about what they represent.

When was the point in your life when you enjoyed doing things; being outside, working out, playing with your friends, etc. these things have one thing in common. Community. This is where lifelong bonds are formed, where happiness stems from, and where you’re often surrounded by the people you love. The world is constantly shifting and changing, but if you’re not happy with the world you’re living in, stop waiting for someone else to do something about it. Be the change.

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