

What Stands in the Way, Becomes the Way

Written by
Blaine Taylor & Connor Monis

1. Don’t push things to tomorrow. Do the hard thing today.
This is what Seneca was talking about when he said, “The one thing all fools have in common is they’re always getting ready to start.”

2. Every choice you make has a consequence, good or bad.
Every decision adds up. They manifest into mental and physical well-being, or the opposite.

3. Above all else, prioritize your health.
Whether you see it now or not, taking care of your mind and body directly affects your achievements.

4. Take action and be useful.
This doesn’t mean we glamorize the “hustle” or “grind”; work hard, but find balance in stillness (reading, writing, reflecting), connecting with friends, exercise, a healthy meal, time in nature (sunlight, grounding, cold exposure). Optimize your life by prioritizing better.

5. Doing something you don’t enjoy doing, but doing it like you love to do it. That’s discipline.
Do you have to do it? Or, do you get to do it? The fact that you merely exist is a miracle. We’d all do well to remember that.

6. Be the hero of your own movie.
If you’re reading this and able bodied, consider yourself incredibly lucky. People are so accustomed to what they have and aren’t satisfied. Change the tone of your thoughts. Start to express some gratitude; get out and do some main character shit.

7. Infectious charisma, optimism, and enthusiasm are the key ingredients.
They set the tone for a healthy environment; attract and inspire others. It’s that THING.
Do what you love and make a career out of it.

8. The style is having no style, the way is no way. Be like water. Be formless.
Bruce Lee would say use everything that is useful. Of course he was mostly referring to martial arts, but also to achieving in life.

9. Cut out people or things that dampen your fire.
Be ruthlessly critical of who or what you surround yourself with. Practice saying no to things, people, or actions that don't align with the person you're becoming or strive to be. Do not entertain mediocrity.

10. Take control over your thoughts. Optimism is a choice, change your lens.
Thoughts are a powerful catalyst, they can shape our reality over time. We invite more of whatever we think about. Choose to focus on the solution within any problem or setback. Dwelling, comparison, or excuses are wasted energy.

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